Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our Twitter for support.

My gear isn’t showing up. How can I get it to appear?
Ensure that you have valid logs uploaded to with advanced combat logging enabled.
My race/level/guild isn’t appearing. Help!
Make sure to login to the official Classic WoW forums and that your Classic character appears on the dropdown list when selecting a forum avatar.
My character isn't updating after making changes to it.
We are reliant on an aggregation of data from numerous sources like WarcraftLogs Wowhead, and the official Blizzard API's. Gear will only be updated once a valid log is uploaded to Warcraft Logs with the new gear equipped. Other changes could take anywhere between 10 minutes to 1 hour to reflect on our site.
Where can I give feedback or offer to help out on new features?
We know this site is not the best looking. We are not interactive web designers; we are just people who love Classic WoW. If you would like to offer feedback (or even offer to help out with the site), please send a message to /u/reohh on Reddit or join our Discord here.
Why isn't my arena team on my profile page?
`Unfortunately, Blizzard only provides data on the top 5000 teams for each bracket and region. If your team is not showing up, you may not be in the top 5000. If believe you are part of the top 5000 teams, it may take up to 24 hours for your team to be reflected on Wrath Armory. `
Important: As of 10/16/2022, Arena team and PvP information is temporarily disabled
Why is my race wrong when viewing my character model in 3D?
Make sure to login to the official Classic WoW forums and that your Classic character appears on the dropdown list when selecting a forum avatar. This change make take a few hours to reflect on the website.
Why is my gender wrong when viewing my character model in 3D?
Since there is currently no way for us to determine what gender your character is, we default every character model to show the male version. Except Draenei. Those are female. We don't serve the male kind here.